Hard work really does pay off.

Golden Goose NFT Minting

Congratulations! You’ve found a Golden Goose NFT. Now it’s time to mint it and start making money.

Start by Installing MetaMask

Install MetaMask

You'll need a MetaMask wallet in order to mint your NFT

Import Wallet

Plug in the private key from the treasure you found

Connect to the site

Connect to your new wallet to the website

Mint your NFT

Mint and view your new NFT

  1. Install MetaMask

    MetaMask is used to interact with the Ethereum Blockchain

    Warning Icon If you are on a mobile device you have to use the MetaMask app, we recommend using a desktop browser
  2. Click "Add Extension"

  3. Click "Import Account"

    Once MetaMask is installed, open up the extension and click "Import Account"

  4. Type in Private Key

    Fill in the private key box with the key found with the treasue

  5. Go Back to Golden Goose Minting

    Go back to the site to continue the minting process

  6. Connect MetaMask to Website

  7. Confirm your wallet choice

    Make sure to use the wallet that you just imported

    Warning Icon If you have multiple wallets, make sure to choose the correct one
  8. Click "Connect"

  9. Mint your NFT

    Now would be a good time to add some Ethereum to cover the gas fees during the minting process